Capellades Paper Mill Museum, Barcelona, Spain. Image provided by Victoria Rabal Merola.
About the lecture
The Paper Mill Museum of Capellades was founded in 1958 in Barcelona, Spain by a group of papermaking industrialists to function as both a museum and a working mill. One of the museum's challenges since its founding has been to preserve traditional hand papermaking—and in recent years, the museum has sought innovation in its manufacturing processes. In addition to paper manufacturing, the museum offers public experiences including workshops; exhibitions showcasing contemporary artists working with paper; and provides facilities and equipment to artists wishing to carry out projects.
About the speaker
Victoria Rabal Merola is an artist and master papermaker, born in Barcelona Spain. Rabal is the director of the Paper Mill Museum of Capellades (Barcelona), and founding member of IAPMA (International Association of Papermakers and Artists). Since 1984 she has organized papermaking workshops at the museum, and has led workshops in hand papermaking in Spain, Japan, Ecuador, Brazil, and in the US. Rabal’s artwork has been shown in many exhibitions, including “Art Paper,” in Stockholm, Sweden, “International Biennale der Paper Kunst,” in Düren, Germany, and at galleries in Barcelona and Madrid.
This online event will take place on Wednesday, July 14th from 12 PM—1 PM EST.
This talk will last approximately 40 minutes, followed by questions. To attend, register via this Eventbrite Portal, as space is limited.
This program is pay-as-you-wish, with a suggested minimum donation of $5.00. After registering, attendees will automatically receive a registration confirmation from Eventbrite and an email from Zoom with the link to join the program.
All Dieu Donné virtual events include the option of live virtual captioning. If you have any requests or needs prior to the event, please contact
About the Series:
Global Perspectives in Hand Papermaking is a virtual lecture series featuring papermakers from around the world. The series explores both historic and contemporary approaches to papermaking through talks by individuals with expertise in papermaking in Japan, Korea, India, Chile, and Spain. Among the topics discussed will be traditional fibers, tools, and papermaking techniques, as well as contemporary trends in production papermaking and artistic experimentation.
Special thanks to the Windgate Foundation for their generous support for Global Perspectives in Hand Papermaking.